We are happy to introduce Ricky and Jaxon Brown. Two dog brothers, a Chinese Crested and a Pomchi.
We have had the pleasure of three photoshoots with these two adorable brothers, and wanted to get to know them better. We believe our community becomes stronger when we share our stories with each other, and so we get to know our clients one story at a time. We spoke with their person to get more insight into their life together. Follow their daily adventures on Instagram @rickyandjaxonbrown
Q: Introduce your dogs!
A: Ricky is a thirteen-year old Chinese crested, and Jaxon Brown is a seven year old Pomchi.

Q: What led you to find Ricky and Jaxon?
A: Ricky came from a breeder in Alberta after much research and obsession of the breed on my part! Having worked in a vet clinic when I was younger and meeting a few of them, I fell in love and planned the day I could get one of my own! A photo of him from his breeder as an available puppy sent me on a road trip to go pick him up!
Jaxon was a horse show turned puppy adoption, on a whim! We went to a horse show and equipment sale on a weekend to watch and sell some items, when we spotted this tiny floof drawing everyone’s attention so of course we went to say hi! After speaking to the lady, we found out he needed a new home after it not working with his previous two homes (through no fault of his own). Ricky actually solidified the adoption when he decided Jaxon was all his…about fifteen minutes in. A few hours later we were driving home with a 2lb fluff tag along.
Q: Tell us how you chose their fabulous names
A: Both pooches were named by my sister and she just has a knack for picking really suitable names! Jaxon became ‘Jaxon Brown’ along the way, and it stuck with all his fans!
Q: What inspired you to have pets? Have you always had pets?
A: I was born into a family of pet lovers and pet owners. Have always been surrounded by multiple pets in the family. Our family has a long history of dog owners, and now cats in the family too! Fish, reptiles and birds have been around over the years as well.
Q: What do you love about being a pet owner?
A: I love the joy and laughter animals bring, getting you outdoors, and exploring areas you may never do without a pooch. I also love the community of people I’ve met through my pets.
Q: What, if any, challenges along the way with being a pet owner?
A: You have to patient with training and behaviour challenges of any pet. There are also emotional challenges when pets are ill, or as you lose pets along on the way.
Q: What are the top three training tools / tips / treats you use most often? Why do you like them?
A: Enrichment toys and feeders, healthy high value treats, long lines!
Enrichment toys and feeders made all the difference with most of the training issues along the way with Jaxon! This was especially valuable having pets in an apartment that can be a bit boring. I have one ‘foodie’ dog, and one ‘not-foodie’ dog with health issues. We’ve done our fair share of treat testing and trials. We always come back to Loveyloos cookies, and single ingredient meat based treats from small companies that source and processes their own treats vs big box brand or repackaged treats. Long lines have made adventures so easy from exploring unknown areas, swimming and camping! We love Sirius Dog Wear as a local woman-owned biothane company for this.
Tell us more about Ricky and Jaxon Brown
Q: When are they most in their elements?
A: Ricky is most in his element when it’s hot, sunny, and off leash or curled up in a bed with a blanket in front of a fireplace. 100% warmth is his element!
Jaxon prefers cool weather, and off leash adventures where he can zoom! He is a big foodie. He loves markets and events where he can socialize and beg! He loves to have a job, and do any sort of training. 100% people pleaser!

Q: Do your pets have any silly quirks?
A: Ricky – we call them ‘nasty kisses’! Whenever he’s going to give someone a kiss he peels his lips back & shows all his teeth before giving lots of kisses!

Jaxon makes it well known if he has a complaint. He will sit and talk to you, and make it quite obvious if he wants something, something is stuck somewhere he can’t reach or he doesn’t like something!
Q: What activity do your pets enjoy most outdoors?
A: Off leash adventures in new areas they haven’t been!
Q: What has your pet taught you about yourself?
A: Patience! I’ve also done lots of research on many good medical aspects of pet care. They’ve taught me to live life in the moment, and enjoy the little things, never taking ‘no’ for an answer or taking one option as an answer.
Q: If someone was interested in getting a pet, what would your advice be?
A: Get pet insurance
Don’t over socialize your dogs, but really socialize your cats!
Cut their nails from day one!
Q: What refills your cup in your spare time?
A: Horses! And getting that country/farm escape from reality for a bit.
Thank you for reading this blog post. If you are interested in following their fun adventures, please follow them on Instagram.
Did you know? We have special pricing for our returning clients! If you’re interested in capturing your very own memories, reach out to us!
All photographs taken by Bernice at Pooch in the Park Photography